Marta zoekt een Appartement / Kamer in Enschede

Marta zoekt: Een Appartement / Kamer in Enschede

  • Appartement / Kamer
  • Min. 9 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 14 Per direct

I'm Marta, I'm a spanish student that has just received my Erasmus+ destiny in Enschede, twente University.
I'm looking for a residence with a positive vibe and near the campus
I would like you to consider me as an option, I'm a really responsible and clean person and I love to make new friends and share space.
I would be staying 10 months, starting in August/September. I also speak English and Spanish but not dutch.
Anyway, thank you for your time!!

Algemene informatie: Marta
  Vrouw, 20 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  2e jaars Psychology (UNIVERSITEIT)